Winter, 10-Month, and Co-Op Housing

We offer housing for unique situations where you may be taking a class or working during breaks in the academic year. Below you'll find specific information on our special housing policies. For more information, please contact Housing Services via phone or email.
Break/10 Month Housing
Residence halls remain open during the Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring breaks for enrolled students who are in residence before and after each of the break periods.
Residents have the option to register to remain in their room during Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring breaks for part or all of the break. Please register through the StarRez online registration form.
In order to remain in the residence hall during the academic breaks, residents must register and provide the best information possible about the specific days of planned occupancy. By registering, students agree to the special terms and conditions governing break housing outlined in these pages and the registration process.
See Break Housing/Low Occupancy Considerations for more information.
The purpose of resident registration is to provide staff and emergency personnel adequate information in the event of an emergency, scheduled maintenance, or other such operations.
Registration also ensures that Hokie Passport card access is arranged. A staff-on-duty schedule will be posted in all residence halls. During the break periods, University policies will continue to be enforced and exterior doors will be locked at all times. Any violation of policy may result in immediate removal from the residence halls. Residents are expected to assist in the safety and security efforts of staff by not propping doors or sharing lock combinations, locking room and/or suite doors, and reporting anything suspicious to the resident advisor on duty or Virginia Tech Police.
Occupancy during the academic breaks does not require payment of additional fees. Occupancy during the breaks is factored into the room rate.
Changes to a registration can be made throughout the break period in the event that your plans have changed. Students are strongly encouraged to submit changes at least 24 hours in advance of arriving to campus to ensure Hokie Passport access is activated.
Anyone found in the residence halls during break that is not a resident will be treated as a trespasser. They can be asked to leave immediately and will be escorted by police, if necessary. Residents who have not registered for break housing but are found to be using the facility will be referred to Student Conduct.
Co-Op Experience
As you consider your co-op work experience, please review the information below regarding how housing contracts operate when you are on work assignment.
Students holding an on-campus housing/dining contract during the time of the co-op experience will have their university housing/dining contract suspended during the semester(s) away from the Blacksburg campus upon receipt of written notice to the Housing Services office.
Other leasing agreements, contracts, or obligations (for example, a separate agreement with a fraternity or sorority organization, whether located on- or off-campus, may hold their members responsible for the vacant bed/dining plan charges which the organization is assessed), are separate and not subject to this university action.
The student is responsible for making themselves knowledgeable about any agreements they may have entered which may be affected by their co-op experience and time away from campus.
Students who leave campus for a fall semester co-op will have their on-campus housing/dining contracts renewed for the following spring semester. These students are expected to live on campus when returning during the period of the contract.
The $100 housing contract prepayment, if required, is returned to the student upon receiving written notice from the student prior to the start of the fall semester. If written notice is not provided to housing by the first day of semester classes, the $100 housing prepayment will be forfeited.
Students who do not have a housing/dining contract and are returning for spring semester classes at the Blacksburg campus are encouraged to contact Housing Services in September to be added to the spring housing waitlist. Although not guaranteed, housing offers are often made for the spring semester.
Students who are departing for a spring semester co-op experience should be checked out of their room by the time halls close for the Winter Break. If a student's plans change during the break period, they should contact Housing Services for check-out instructions. Students with belongings remaining in the residence hall after 5:00 p.m. on the day preceding the spring residence hall opening date will be billed $100 plus a prorated amount.
Students who are participating in a co-op experience in the local Blacksburg area may be approved to live on campus depending on on-campus housing availability. The student must contact Housing Services assignments staff to receive permission to remain on campus with less than 12 enrolled credit hours.
Contract cancellations and other notices must be submitted in writing (e-mail, fax, letter) to Housing Services. Notifications submitted to other offices do not comply with requirements, and requested official action will not be assured.
If mailed, the date on which notices are postmarked will constitute the basis for determining applicant compliance with deadlines. It is recommended that students mail any such cancellation notices via Certified Mail.