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Spring 2025

Cars line up along Washington Street, with students with carts standing ready to unload items for move-in day. Photo by Ryan Young for Virginia Tech.

Move-Out Spring 2025

You must vacate your room within 24 hours after your last exam or by Thursday, May 15 at noon, whichever comes first (unless you are participating in graduation or have received late check-out approval). All buildings close completely on Sunday, May 18 at 10 a.m..

Parking During Move-Out

The following parking lots will be designated for 30-minute move-out spaces to assist students and their families departing for the summer:

  • Coliseum Lot
  • Washington Street
  • Kent Street
  • Architecture Annex Lot
  • Squires Lot
  • Engel Hall Lot
  • Drillfield (War Memorial Gym side)
  • Ag Quad Lot (behind Hutcheson Hall)

Parking on sidewalks is not permitted. For more information on campus parking for move-out, visit the Transportation Services website, call 540-231-3200, or email

Information about Summer Bike Storage

Every summer, in preparation for the fall semester, Transportation Services’ staff work their way through campus and remove abandoned bicycles. To avoid having your bicycle impounded, please remove it from campus when you move out this spring. Transportation Services will plac signs on bicycle racks beginning on April 23, 2025 and will start impounding all bicycles left on signed bicycle racks beginning on May 19, 2025.

For those interested in storing their bikes in Blacksburg, Virginia Tech Sustainable Transportation offers a bike storage option! Students are able to pay to store their bikes on campus at the Hokie Bike Hub (first floor of the Transit Center at 1324 Perry Street) until they return for the fall semester.

Summer bike storage permits will be available for purchase beginning April 23, 2025. Permits can be purchased through Parking Services at a cost of $30. This option is cheaper and easier than retrieving a bike from impoundment, which costs $35. To purchase the permit, click on the link above and select “Get Permits”. Login with your VT Username, select the Summer Bike Storage Permit, and follow the prompts to finalize payment.

After purchasing a permit, students should connect with Sustainable Transportation at to coordinate storage at the Hokie Bike Hub.

Check-Out Deadlines

Thursday, May 15, 2025 at noon: End of Spring Semester 2025 for students not involved with Spring Commencement.

Students must check out of their rooms within 24 hours after their last exam, but no later than noon, Thursday, May 15, if they are not directly involved with the commencement ceremony.

If you are graduating or are directly involved with the Commencement activities or have an extenuating circumstance, complete the Late Check Out Request form in the StarRez Portal.

  • Residents of Commencement Housing Buildings (East Ambler Johnston, West Ambler Johnston, New Hall West, and O'Shaughnessy) must submit any late check out requests by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 7, 2025, as their building will be used for Commencement Housing activities.
  • Residents of all other buildings have from April 1 until 5 p.m. on Friday, April 25, 2025 to submit any late check-out requests.

Sunday, May 18, 2025 at 10 a.m.: Residence Halls Close.

All students must be checked out by this date. Students returning to on-campus housing for summer school should follow summer housing information for transition planning. Late check-out requests asking for departure dates after this time will be automatically denied.

In-Person Or Self Check-Out


An In-Person check‐out means that you arrange a time with a student staff member to go through the room and complete your room inspection together. We strongly suggest that you use this regular check-out option. See information from your in-hall staff for specific instructions on checking out with a staff member.

Self Check-Out

If you are unable to complete an in-person check-out, you may choose to complete a self check-out through the StarRez Portal. After you have completed the check-out checklist and are departing your room, log on to the StarRez Portal, navigate to Online Forms, and submit the Self Check-Out Form.

It is important that you wait until you are ready to depart campus to submit this form. Submission of this form will send an update to the Hokie Passport system to remove your access to your room automatically.

Student staff will be conducting closing inspections as these forms are received. By choosing this option, residents automatically agree to the room evaluation by the residence hall staff. Damage or cleaning charges generated from self check-out billings are not subject to appeal.

Improper Check-Out

When students leave without completing either an in-person or self check-out, they are billed for Improper Check-out. Departing without completing a check-out form, or saying that you could not find a Student Leader / student staff member, is not sufficient. Charges generated from improper check-outs are not subject to appeal. Students who fail to check out properly lose their right to appeal damage or cleaning billing assessments.

Cleaning Expectations

While we do not expect perfect cleanliness, we do expect students to perform a certain level of cleaning at departure. Please review the information below ‐ if these standards are not met, you can expect a minimum charge of $50 per room for cleaning. If excessive cleaning is required, as determined by staff, charges may be doubled.

You may use your own non-caustic cleaning materials or check with your Residential Well-being Student Leader to check out a broom or mop. Extra trash bags are available from RWB Student Leaders. Some students have reported good results with removing scuff marks from walls using the Mr. Clean "Magic Eraser" - if you choose to use this product, please use with minimal water to avoid wall damage.

All personal food and drink items must be removed from the MicroFridge. Completely defrost your MicroFridge. Thoroughly clean all interior compartments so that there are no spills, stains, or crumbs. Wipe down the outside of the unit and dry both the interior and exterior. You should leave the MicroFridge clean, dry, and plugged in with the doors closed. You may be charged an additional cleaning fee if the unit has not been properly cleaned.

Rooms should be left free of dust and dirt by sweeping or dust mopping. Use a wet mop on floors, if necessary, to remove spots and spills. Scuff marks are usually easily removed using a cloth/sponge and cleanser. If your room is carpeted, you will need to vacuum, and where applicable, remove spots and spills.

Rooms should be left free of tape, adhesive, stickers, posters, and marks. Dust wall trim and baseboards. Please note, your attempt to fill nail holes and to match the paint will not meet our standards and you will be billed for the repair.

If you have used 3M brand or similar products, make sure you follow instructions on how to remove these items from the walls. We have done testing that shows proper removal of these items will not damage the walls - we do not review appeals claiming failure of this product.

Rooms should be left free of dirt, hair, soap film, grit, toothpaste, and stains by cleaning with cleanser and cloth/sponge, rinsed, and wiped dry. This includes both the actual sink and the surrounding vanity.

Room should be left free of dust and dirt by wiping with cloth and cleanser/furniture polish. Remove any tape, adhesive, stickers, and marks. Empty drawers and clean with damp cloth and cleaner. Please leave furniture pulled away from wall slightly to assist staff in evaluating the walls. All furniture must be in the room - you may be billed for any furniture that is not present in your assigned bedroom, even if subsequently found in the suite area. Furniture left in hallways at the beginning of the year may have been removed as a fire hazard; it is your responsibility to ensure those items are returned to your room prior to check-out. Remove all items and clean inside and outside of medicine cabinet with cleaner and a cloth. Mirrors should be free of grease, film, water spots, fingerprints, and stickers by wiping with glass cleaner and cloth.

Beds should be wiped clean and be free of stickers and marks. Mattresses should be on the bed and free of stains. Lowered beds should be returned to their initial bunked condition. We recommend lofts be taken down prior to the start of 24-hour exam quiet hours. If you are taking your loft down later, you must do so as quietly as possible so that your actions do not disturb another student.

Remove curtains or other decorative items you have added. Clean inside windows with glass cleaner and cloth or paper towel. Dust and wipe windowsills with cleaner and cloth. Leave the yellow and black window safety warning sticker intact. If your safety sticker is missing or unreadable, note that on your room condition form. Many first floor residents have a "safety screen" with a tamper-evident tag which should be unbroken. If you have placed a fan in your window and have pulled dust into the screen, vacuum/wipe dust off the screen mesh.

Remove all items. Remove dust, dirt, stickers, or marks that may have accrued. If the closet doors have been removed, they must be replaced and in good working order. If you have lost the screws/hinges, or if your actions have damaged the door so that they don't hang and operate properly, you will be billed for time and materials to repair/replace them.

Remove all trash from the room. Do not leave a pile of dirt/debris swept into the middle of the room. Do not sweep your debris out into the hallway. Take your trash to the dumpster. Leaving debris or bags of trash in the rooms, hallways, or lounges will result in billing.

All large, personal property such as carpets, non-rental lofts, and furniture are your responsibility to remove. Take these items to Y-Toss or to the dumpster if you are not taking them home with you - do not leave them in your room or the communal area. You will be billed per item for removal.

Abandoned Property

If university staff can reasonably determine which student appears to be the owner of tangible personal property lost or abandoned in residence halls after the end of the contract period, Housing Services staff will send notification to the student’s university email address. Instructions for claiming lost or abandoned property will be included in the notification email. Students may be charged for the removal, transport, and storage of any lost or abandoned items reasonably determined to belong to them:

  • Charge per box under 25 pounds: $50 (minimum charge)
  • Charge per box over 25 pounds: $75
  • Charge per TV: $100

The university will hold such property for 120 days. If the student does not claim the property within 120 days, items may be sold through Surplus Property, donated to charitable organizations, or disposed of in the trash. The university assumes no liability for damage or loss of any lost or abandoned property on its premises.

Return/Buyback of College Saver Hutches

If you rented a hutch from College Savers, you can return them on Friday, May 9 and Monday, May 12 through Wednesday, May 14 from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. in the parking lot directly behind Dietrick Dining Center. If you plan to leave campus before these dates or have questions, you can call College Savers at 540-951-7777 or email

Sustainability & Y-TOSS

Learn more about Y-TOSS and our sustainability efforts at Virginia Tech!

Y-Toss will be accepting donations on campus May 9-14 from 10 a.m.-7 p.m daily.