Reservable Spaces
Whether you prefer a lounge to seat a few people or need a ballroom for 1,500, we've got you covered!
Virginia Tech has a variety of spaces including standard meeting rooms, dividable rooms, reception-quality rooms, and major programming spaces, including a theatre and forum hall. Classrooms are also available.
Space can be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Some minimal charges may apply to reserve some locations. Please contact us at to make all your arrangements and reservations.

Burruss Hall Auditorium is a fixed seating theatre venue with a maximum capacity of 2,927.

Classroom spaces are available for your conference/camp use. There are classrooms of all different sizes and set ups. Our staff can work with you to secure a room during your stay.

The Peggy Lee Hahn Garden Pavilion, available for rental, offers a staging area for weddings and other special events held in the garden. French doors open from the 600-square foot multipurpose room to an ample porch and the lawn beyond. The entire building is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including the kitchen and restrooms.

Squires Student Center offers a variety of spaces and can meet most groups’ needs for meetings and events. In addition, there are also many outdoor locations around campus that your conference/camp can reserve for an outdoor event. Visit the Event Planning Office for detailed pictures and locations.

The War Memorial Chapel is located on Drillfield Drive. The chapel is a tribute from alumni and friends to the sons of Virginia Tech who made the ultimate sacrifice in our nation's wars. This memorial is a shrine to fortify education with worship and inspiration. It was conceived as a central campus structure, giving visual evidence of the ethical standards which are traditional at Virginia Tech and are based upon the honor system. It is dedicated to those who gave their all; yet it is designed to inspire the living, especially the Virginia Tech graduates of the future. The chapel's permanent features avoid creedal symbolism, yet the space easily accommodates events such as weddings, memorial services, initiations, military commissioning, departmental commencement ceremonies, concerts, religious services, and meetings.